Sherrod Elementary School
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is an online tool for monitoring student comprehension of both fiction and nonfiction literature. Students are able to take 5 to 20 question quizzes on books they've read by themselves, with a partner, or was read to them. Accelerated Reader keeps a record of the students' test record, including accuracy and earned points.
Students can access Accelerated Reader (also referred to as AR or Acc Rdr) quickest through the K-5 LINKS at the top of every MSBSD web page. On the link page, they need to use the RL icon.
Especially for developing or reluctant readers, finding a "just right" book is very important.
If you would like to find books at specific reading levela, try the AR Bookfinder.
Students can only take tests at school, but they and their parents can view student progress. Here's the link to access Home Connect. If you do not have your login and password for Home Connect, please contact Mr. Williams at 761-4135, or by email.
To help provide motivation for reading, top AR-point earning students will be recognized each month and grading period. Prizes and other awards are under consideration at this time.